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If you are interested in any of Steve's Courses please contact us
first to see if we are able to accept new enrolments.
We will then send you the Prospectus and Enrolment Forms for your Course.

Anchor 1



This Course serves as an Introduction to and exploration
of the theory and practice of Tarot Therapy.
It is not necessary to have any prior knowledge
or experience with the Tarot for this Course.
There are seven lessons to complete, with Handouts given for each lesson.
You work at your own pace and lessons are emailed
in and returned with comprehensive feedback.
A Certificate is awarded on completion of the Course.

Hermit carrying a light. Introduction to Tarot Therapy Distance learning course by Steve Hounsome. Available worldwide to anyone wishing to learn Tarot!
Anchor 2


Brown Hermit, representing Certificate in Tarot Therapy Course by Steve Hounsome. This course is available both in Poole, Dorset or by Distance Learning Making it available worldwide to anyone wishing to learn Tarot!

This course offers a unique chance to learn how to use the Tarot
for personal development and professional therapy.
Learn how to use the Tarot and work to gain professional recognition as a Tarot Therapist.There are 12 Lessons to be completed. There is no time limit set for the Course. No prior knowledge or experience of the Tarot is required or assumed.

The Course is suitable for those wishing to become professional Tarot Therapists with a view to beginning or developing their own Consultation practice. It is also suitable for those wishing to study the Tarot simply for pleasure, to further their existing spiritual knowledge or to study and develop themselves through this medium.
It is not a Course for those wishing to learn ‘fortune-telling’.

Anchor 3


Orange Hermit, representing Diploma in Tarot Therapy Course by Steve Hounsome.  This course is available both in Poole, Dorset or by Distance Learning making it available worldwide to anyone wishing to learn Tarot.

This course offers a chance to develop and deepen existing skills, knowledge and ability with the Tarot. The focus of this Course is on use of the Tarot for personal healing and development and providing professional therapeutic readings for others. The Course consists of 10 lessons, each focussing on a different aspect of working with the Tarot at an advanced level. Students may take the time they wish or need to complete each Lesson.

The Course is open to those who have completed the Certificate in Tarot Therapy Course and those who can demonstrate a working knowledge of the Tarot. The Course is therefore suitable for those wishing to develop themselves personally/spiritually/psychically, using the Tarot as the basis for this. The Course is also suitable for those who wish to establish or develop their existing Tarot reading practice.
It is not a Course for those wishing to learn ‘fortune-telling’.

Anchor 4
with Philip Carr-Gomm, creator of The Druidcraft Tarot
​​The Tarot is well-known for its use as an oracle that can tell us of the potentials and risks the future may bring. But the Tarot can also be used to help us transform - to help us grow and change and become of more use to others and ourselves.

In this multi-media course that uses video, audio and text, Tarot teachers Philip Carr-Gomm and Steve Hounsome show you how you can use this ancient system for self-transformation, working with the Major Arcana as archetypes to enrich the soul, with the Court Cards as keys to developing the personality, and with the pip cards of the Minor Arcana offering insights into the ways our souls and personalities can work together and express themselves in the world.

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If you enroll, you also get access to a special two-part learning experience with Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm, creators of The Druidcraft Tarot. In two classes, Philip and Stephanie take you through 'Integrative Tarot Training' - a way of working with the Tarot that is quick and easy to learn. And they show you a way to 'drill down' into really difficult issues to gain clarity and healing



As well as all this, you'll also be able to ask questions about your work with the course at any time, and the course fee also includes membership of The Private Magicians' Club - a wonderful online resource and community for the spiritual seeker and Tarot enthusiast. In the warm and friendly atmosphere of the club, Philip, Steve, and guests host live online sessions of meditation, exploration and discussion.

Anchor 5
with Philip Carr-Gomm, creator of The Druidcraft Tarot
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In this multi-media course that uses video, audio and text, with specially created meditations using music from the Mind Orchestra, Tarot teachers Philip Carr-Gomm and Steve Hounsome show you how you can work with the Tarot and with your Chakras in tandem, not only to enhance your knowledge of both esoteric systems, but also to effect deep personal transformation. The course is presented in nine lessons released weekly.


You get access to a special set of seven extra Tarot meditations you can listen to again and again.



As well as all this, you'll also be able to ask questions about your work with the course at any time, and the course fee also includes membership of The Private Magicians' Club - a wonderful online resource and community for the spiritual seeker and Tarot enthusiast. In the warm and friendly atmosphere of the club, Philip, Steve, and guests host live online sessions of meditation, exploration and discussion.


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This Course gives you the chance to follow your own, personal ‘Journey of the Fool’. The Major Arcana cards of the Tarot are traditionally seen as a journey to personal enlightenment, awareness and completion. In this sense each card illustrates a lesson or stage of learning and experience on that Journey.


This Course follows that structure, using a variety of exercises, techniques and guided meditations for each card. Each persons’ experience is unique to them
and you will receive detailed feedback and comments on each lesson, utilising
Steve’s 40 years’ experience with the Tarot.


The Major Arcana of the Tarot gives us worldly, personal and spiritual knowledge like nothing else and through this Course you can realise your own view and experience of the Universe and your place in it.  You do not even need any previous knowledge or experience of the Tarot at all.


This is a Tarot Course unlike any other. Through it you can discover the treasure that awaits you when you complete your own Quest.

Anchor 6
Anchor 7



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This is a unique course that offers you the chance to learn and tell ‘The Story of Your Soul’, by discovering and charting your Past Lives. Taking the position that we are a Soul within a different body in each lifetime, this Course enables you to discover the purpose of both your previous and current lifetimes, even taking a look at a resulting future lifetime. This Course can then be likened to reading your own Akashic Record, from cover to cover, on which much work is done.


The study of our Past Lives, whilst it is a fascinating subject, has the purpose and intent of allowing you to realise and integrate the meaning and lessons of each life, into the current life and self. This can result in you becoming a more complete individual, fully aware of why you are here at this time and what you need to learn and achieve through your life. Through this Course you can become more whole and in control of your destiny.


There are many aspects of interest and use that Past Life work can bring. Apart from the discovery of the purpose of your life, relationships with loved ones, successful and ‘failed’, easy and difficult, past and present, can also be revealed. Through Past Life work, we can come to know who it is we have lived with before, in what capacity and why. In this way, you can achieve understanding, progress and fulfilment of relationships with people in your current life.

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