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This Tarot Deck has been created to express the underlying energy of each Tarot card, allowing the individual to relate to them in their own way. The cards show this energy in the natural world, which we are part of and intrinsically linked to. It is this energy that we have an instinctive relationship with. By relating to this connection through the cards we can utilise this causal level to absorb, accept and grow. These cards then become a therapeutic guide, inspiring us to live a life of empowered passion. The structure of the Tarot deck is the same as that of the human being and this Tarot deck is a celebration of the sacred energy that exists in all of us and the world in which we live. Unique and beautiful, this Tarot deck strips the Tarot bare and opens up a new world and a new level of therapeutic energy to Tarot readings.

Tarot Therapy Cards

SKU: 1899878394

    © 2021 Steve Hounsome. Created with

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