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 These are a brief sample of comments, taken from Evaluation Forms

completed after the end of the Course.


"The Course was a key that unlocked hidden and dusty rooms, some holding treasures, others holding apparent demons. Once these had been examined and dusted off and a clear air been allowed to enter through the windows, a freedom was recognised and an ability to move on up the hallway of life to new rooms and new experiences. As someone who was previously a novice to Tarot I highly recommend this course and the abilities of Steve to those who wish to qualify as Tarot Therapists".


"Before I started the Certificate in Tarot Therapy Course I was familiar with the tarot. I had several packs and had taught myself with the aid of books and personal experiments to understand something of what the cards meant. The carefully planned modules of this course took me on a journey through the
Tarot on a much deeper level. I learned how to experience the energy of the cards and how to use
them in a therapeutic way. I was not the only person to benefit from this – the volunteers who
were the subjects of the practice consultations gained knowledge and understanding of themselves
and their lives through the sensitive and helpful approach I was being taught".


"Steve Hounsome’s well thought out and clearly written book and the wonderful taped exercises that were provided with the course also helped me to make a deeper and more spiritual connection to the Tarot, which was exactly what I wanted".


"I cannot praise Steve highly enough for the detailed feedback given to me on each lesson I submitted. It was clear he took the time and care to study my work and to help me every step of the way, encouraging me with praise and only criticising in the most constructive way".


"I LOVED the course.  It took me on the most amazing journey of self-discovery.  As part of my psychotherapy training I’d had years of personal therapy and I thought I’d found my Inner-Self and that there was little left to truly astound me.  Happily I was wrong.  The Tarot has awakened aspects of my Self that had been slumbering, hidden away for far too long.  My creative / psychic Self had been hidden under layers of dusty academic ‘stuff and nonsense’.  The inner work needed for this course helped me to shake my Self free and emerge, once more, into a world of colour and light". 


"Since beginning my Tarot Therapy training I have worked with a great many people.  Some began as sceptics and came to know that there is truth in the cards and now have a healthy respect for their ability to make ‘the unconscious’, conscious.  This course has added a sense of transpersonal connection to my therapeutic and training work that feels grounded in ancient learning and practice".


"Whilst studying the Tarot Therapy Certificate Course I was also undertaking my Bardic training and I found that the lessons from each beautifully complemented one another.  They blend together in such a
way that it would difficult to separate them out, I feel they are successfully integrated".


"I found Steve’s feedback for each completed lesson to be supportive, perceptive and a valuable
resource for my continued learning. I have recommended this course to everyone who has asked
about my training and I am keen to begin the Diploma".


"Steve’s courses are without doubt in my opinion, the best way to learn about the reading of the Tarot. Steve’s approach is thoughtful, grounded in common sense whilst also being spiritual and above all highly professional. The focus seems to be more upon empathy with others, than with being ‘psychic and different’ and thus is a much more positive and helpful approach and Steve is to be congratulated on paving the way
to a deeper, purer and more sacred application of the Tarot".



"I have worked my way steadily through all three of Steve’s Tarot Therapy courses and have found
them all to be hugely enjoyable and personally beneficial. He is a kind and encouraging mentor, but one who
will challenge his students to push their own personal boundaries. You may well embark on his courses with
the sole intention of helping others, which will indeed be the eventual outcome, but you are also helping yourself, in a very creative and loving way. His is a very fluid way of reading the cards, highly imaginative, intuitive and un-dogmatic. I have found it to be a very beautiful, life-enhancing experience and
would not hesitate to recommend Steve’s courses most highly.
Thank-you Steve, for three wonderful courses of happy and
fulfilling study".


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